Bacup and Stacksteads neighbourhood forum

A designated Neighbourhood Planning forum

A neighbourhood planning forum, where the community can work together to develop a more suitable plan for the future development of the area. 
A plan by the community, for the community. 

BSNF is a community group for the Bacup and Stacksteads area to promote and improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of Bacup and Stacksteads neighbourhood. Ultimately to propose a community neighbourhood plan for the local development of the area whilst engaging with local businesses, stakeholders and councils to explore beneficial development. 

Neighbourhood Planning Forums 

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. 
Bacup and Stacksteads has suffered from a series of industrial and economic downturns in recent decades which has caused our neighbourhoods to become some of the most deprived areas in the UK. Bacup and Stacksteads sit amongst some of the most amazing landscape in the UK and this brings unique challenges to the redevelopment and future of the area. Whilst we have amazing landscape along the valley, we do have eyesores and old buildings in need of development. Any development needs to be sustainable, meeting the needs of the community, fitting for the environment and driven by the community. 
Introduced in the Localism Act 2011. Neighbourhood planning is an important and powerful tool that gives communities statutory powers to shape how their communities develop; Bacup & Stacksteads Neighbourhood Forum proposes to take full advantage of these regulations to drive forward a community developed plan. 
More information about neighbourhood planning can be found here: Neighbourhood Planning by Locality. 

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